certainly not the best flier i've made but getting the word out either way. hosting a Smith's Hoot Night at my coffee shop, Thunderbird Manor Road, in honor of Mr. Johnny Marr's birthday. smith's covers from Unwed Fathers and Elisa Ferrari. free music, 12 beers on tap, 15 more in bottles. pre-party.
pretty amazing from Marcel Rodriquez-Lopez's Zechs Marquise project. looking forward to their set at Mohawk post-Fun Fun Fun Fest. (Sunday Nov 8 @ Mohawk with Trail of Dead...)
I'm a big fan of Cookin Soul's "Night of the Living Dead" mixgtape. the first installment dropped Biggie Smalls vocals over horror movie soundtracks. volume 2 does the same for west coastin Tupac. preview below.
was digging through some old emails (yeah... that kinda night) and found a video from Salem's publicist about their new video. i figure i saved the email for a night like this, looking for some new music and undoubtedly enticed by the well written press release. so as the roommates play Madden '10, i give you this.
earlier today i tweeted about how much i love The Black Hollies. what a surprise when moments later i get an email from Big Hassle with a link to a track off the record, to share with y'all. here it is. enjoy.
Murder City Devils and Bankrupt and the Borrowers. together on one night. can't beat that! pretty sure the show isn't sold out but i'd get tickets soon if you can.